Carole Reckinger: ‘’FLEE‘’
Carole Reckinger is driven to places that others only know from the media as the focal points of our time. Carole has been focussing on the topic of ‘flight’ for several years now. At locations such as Lampedusa, Lesbos and Calabria, she has created her very own image and uses her photos to portray people who have not only left behind all their belongings, but also all fear of what awaits them. In the struggle for bare survival, she met refugees who were setting foot on the European mainland for the first time after an endless odyssey. She shows African migrants toiling for starvation wages on Calabria’s orange plantations and eking out a miserable existence. But it also shows activists demonstrating against Europe’s refugee policy and institutions such as Frontex in their current adopted home of Luxembourg and being subjected to the full force of the police.
Carole Reckinger studied international politics, Southeast Asian studies and international law. She has lived and worked in East Timor, West New Guinea, the Philippines and several other places.