Dietmar Noworzyn ‘Floating states’

Kürten – The handmade cardboard that Dietmar Noworzyn rolls out on the balcony terrace is endless – for the photographer’s reproduction. An apocalyptic scene slowly unfolds under a grey sky on the two by two metre sheet: ‘The boat’ – slowly gliding along, people, emaciated figures on the deck. ‘A society that is slowly starving and hoping that something might still come,’ says Dietmar Noworzyn briefly and succinctly about this large woodcut, which on the one hand flows like Japanese calligraphy and on the other has a brittle effect like Dürer’s pictorial language. The artist says no more about this work. Words are not his thing, others should talk and write about his art. And then the first drops fall from the grey sky. Noworzyn calmly rolls up the large woodcut print. A few drops on such a work of the century? He shrugs his shoulders. Why not? He pulls out another scroll from the archive, another huge work: ‘Holunde’, a pretty witch with enigmatic eyes, wrapped in the flowing ornamentation of an elder tree like a fairy tale. Another picture that tells a story. Just like the picture ‘Fish and Stake’ with the fish wriggling through a washed-out, split wooden stake – the front body full of life, the back part gnawed down to the bones. ‘It thinks it’s still alive, but it’s already dead at the back,’ says Noworzyn.


Dietmar Noworzyn.

Born on 12 December 1939 in what is now Poland.
Relocated to Hamelin (Lower Saxony), where he attended school and trained as a decorative painter.
Studied at the Werkkunstschule Zürich (free graphics and cartoons).
Since 1961 in Leverkusen.
Has worked as a freelance artist since 1961.
Briefly involved in commercial art and caricature, later concentrating on ‘free art’.
Lecturer at the adult education centre and youth art school in Leverkusen.
Head of creative group in Siegburg youth detention centre and other art education work.
Head of the Leverkusen Youth Art School since 1985.
Since 1974 intensive work in the techniques of etching, lithography, serigraphy and woodcut.
In addition, object art, facade painting, etc.
Member of the Professional Association of Visual Artists.
1983 Participation in an international academy of the Bulgarian professional association as a representative of the federal association.
1982 First prize at the Satire Biennale Gabrovo (Bg) International Satire Museum.
1985 Artist of the Year in the Finnish city of Olulu.
1979 to 1989 Chairman of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Leverkusener Künstler e.V.
1987 Prize of the Varna Biennale of Graphic Arts (Bulgaria)
1986-1988 Establishment of a cabaret theatre and a satire gallery.
Publications and collaboration (caricatures / illustrations) in various newspapers, journals and publishing houses.
Among others: Tendenzen, Gandalf (Netherlands), Eremiten-Presse, Juvarum (Vienna), Langenscheidt-Longman Verlag.
Has lived in the Bergisches Land since 1991.

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