Osvaldo Bacman: ‘The Language of Geometry’

Anyone who engages with Osvaldo Bacman’s artistic work will first of all recognise basic geometric shapes such as squares and rectangles. In a second step, these sometimes superimposed surfaces become visually perceptible spatial experiences. The square pyramid, which at first glance appears flat, suddenly takes on a depth through its light and dark gradations, which leads the viewer’s vision into a distant, imaginary point, as if into a tube. Fascinated, we believe we are dealing with three-dimensional cuboids, until suddenly – having reached a point – everything falls back again and appears as flat as before. But Bacman is not so much interested in the purely visual irritation. ‘For me, they open up paths of meditation,’ admits the artist. ‘I want to create contrasts, black and white, positive and negative, and make it clear that they only form a harmonious whole when they interact. As in real life, his lines can be understood as obstacles or as necessary boundaries.’ Anyone who engages with the images in this way in a third step will discover astonishing things. In contemplation meditation, you go through a process that always brings you back to the beginning. However, for a brief moment, you are plunged from the clearly defined here and now into a multifaceted infinity. The amazing thing about this experience is that dynamic figures emerge from what is in itself a rigid geometric image.

And so it is not surprising that Osvaldo Bacman says: ‘Behind my paintings and reliefs there is not so much an art as a philosophy of life’. Blessed are those who know how to discover it for themselves beyond mere forms.


Born in La Plata (Argentina) in 1941, Osvaldo Bacman was already interested in painting as a child. In addition to attending school, he attended special courses for children and young people at the University of La Plata’s School of Fine Arts, where he learnt the basics of painting.

– 1971 and 1973 Study trips to Europe: Florence, Rome, Milan,
Venice, Paris, Madrid and Barcelona.
– 1976 – 1992 lived in Düsseldorf.
– 1992 – 2009 lived in Nuremberg.
– Since 2009 resident in Cologne.


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