Robert Drakogiannakis: FREAKADELICS

As the leader of the band Angelika Express, the suit-punk Drakogiannakis sings about weird characters and bizarre situations. This is also where the almost painfully colourful paintings by the German-Greek artist, born in 1966, come in.

They show dazzling, good-humoured freaks who appear to be models bathed in psychedelic light. Animal-like characters play enigmatic, post-apocalyptic games in a pictorial world that oscillates between magical objectivity and expressive comic styles.

In addition to the paintings, the lavish editions with which Drakogiannakis exploits the possibilities of the physical sound carrier are also presented.


Robert Drakogiannakis, born in 1966, lives in Cologne. Drakogiannakis is a painter and musician (singer and guitarist in the band Angelika Express).

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