Trinidad and Tobago Art Fest

Photo exhibition: Dr. Kevin Adonis Browne

Kevin Adonis Browne is a Caribbean-American photographer, writer and speaker. His award-winning visual and writing work is situated at the intersection of fine art, documentary film, street photography, creative nonfiction and memoir in what he calls a “discourse on the legacy of light as a way into the poetry of Caribbean culture.”

Browne was born in Trinidad and Tobago. There he attended Presentation College in the southern city of San Fernando. In 1990 he emigrated to the USA, where he lived in New York. In 2003, he earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, followed by a Master of Arts in the same subject from Pennsylvania State University in 2006, and a PhD in 2009. He has taught at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Syracuse University and Bentley University.

In 2017, he returned to Trinidad and Tobago, where he teaches at the University of the West Indies (St. Augustine). He is co-founder of the Caribbean Memory Project and author of two books: Tropic Tendencies: Rhetoric, Popular Culture, and the Anglophone Caribbean (2013) and HIGH MAS: Carnival and the Poetics of Caribbean Culture (2018), the latter of which was awarded the prestigious Bocas Prize in Caribbean Literature in 2019.

After a successful start in the streets of Port of Spain, Trinidad, solo exhibitions followed in the USA and the UK. We are very happy to be able to show works by Dr. Kevin Adonis Browne in Germany for the first time.


Dr. Kevin Adonis Browne – Photo exhibition

Photo exhibition | September 3 – 24, 2022 | always Fridays & Saturdays 5-8 pm


Beni Tonka – Good Lime

Reading | Saturday September 10, 2022 | 6 pm


Soaked in Soca e.V. – a journey through Trinidad and Tobago Music

DJ set with D-One | Friday, September 16, 2022 | 5 – 8 pm


Short Film Day

Short film day with 5 films | Saturday, September 24, 2022 | 6 pm

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