Views on Ethiopia

Views on Ethiopia – Contemporary Art from the Abyssinian Highlands.

Ethiopia is a culturally rich and proud country that can look back on a long, largely Christian-influenced artistic tradition. With ‘Views on Ethiopia’, the Cologne gallery ‘Art of Buna’ now promises visitors something unusual and moving: Encounter the current, multifaceted paintings of Ethiopian artists, some of whom still live and work in their homeland, others of whom live in Germany and have been able to establish themselves here. They reflect Ethiopian art traditions, influences of international contemporary art and, of course, their own living environment here and there. In the Art of Buna Gallery, you will also come across interesting prints (linocuts), paintings and photographs created by an artist from Scotland or Germany while travelling in Ethiopia, either as a result of their direct experiences or as a result of their engagement with the distant country and its culture.


Exhibiting artists:

James Albon, Sami Gebremariam, Belay Zewdie Tachebele, Tsega Mulugeta Tarekegn, Ras Hailu Teferi, Mahamoda Yassin, Thomas Berghaus

On Saturdays, from 3pm to 8pm, we offer an exciting cultural programme on the topic, with films, lectures and live music.

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