An evening of jazz music for people in Shire, Ethiopia. FRIDAY, 21 FEBRUARY 2025 | 7 PM (doors open from 6 PM) With an instrumentation from early jazz, Coco Kausch (violin) and Fe Fritschi (accordion) dedicate themselves to original compositions, Brazilian choros and jazz from the 1930s in a new guise. The concert is part […]
Art of Buna e.V.
Genter Str. 26, Köln, NRW, Germany
Mods, skinheads, scooter boys - the British subculture also reaches the small town of Wesel, where Tobi grows up in the eighties and nineties. He becomes a mod, adopts their trendy style, listens to ska music and seeks recognition. The movement will never let him go, but the transitions to other subcultures are fluid - and dangerous.
Tobi Dahmen's autobiographical coming-of-age graphic novel is a haunting tale about the love of music, youth culture and the danger of going down the wrong path.
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